Sunday 28 April 2019

SB9: CoppaFeel!

CoppaFeel! was founded in 2009 by Kris Hallenga and her twin sister Maren. After noticing a lump in her boob and repeatedly visiting her doctor, Kris was eventually diagnosed with incurable breast cancer, aged just 23. Unaware that breast cancer could affect people in their twenties and armed with little knowledge about the disease, it struck Kris & Maren that there was a significant lack of information out there for young people. Since then CoppaFeel! has been dedicated to educating young people on the importance of checking their boobs regularly and the signs and symptoms of breast cancer everywhere from workplaces to shower cubicles, university campuses to Instagram.

CoppaFeel! are on a mission to ensure all breast cancers are diagnosed at the earliest stage possible. whether you’re a guy, gal or non-binary pal, copping a feel regularly is the best way to get to know what’s normal for you and pick up on any changes quickly. For more information on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and for advice about getting to know your boobs or pecs, head to

All of the t-shirts in this collection are illustration based, a lot of them feature bodies which is relevant to the campaign - as the theme I will be designing for is also based on bodies and people, I will experiment with this style, but will also explore options outside of the box, like using fruits or plants or something natural to represent different types of people. 

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