Thursday 22 March 2018

505 Jack Grafton Workshop

One day workshop
  1.  Selection - pick a shop, bar, market stall or piece of advertising that interests you, but could be presented more engagingly.
  2. Brainstorm - Collect your thoughts on a large sheet of shared paper. Forget reality for now, in a perfect world, with no constraints, how could it be enhanced to add value for the user to create a memorable and relevant experience. 
  3. Prototype - Where does your idea live? How can you quickly communicate your concept? How could you best show your concept working, in the shortest space of time? Instructional video? A fragrance? A demo?
  4. Pitch - 2-5 mins per group to explain and pitch your idea to the rest of the class.

As a group (Myself, Neve, Josh and Lizzie) we visited the University of Leeds Student Union to see what services are provided and how seamless and fast they are, whilst there we noticed some advertising screens that were being used to advertise food outlets that could be seen from the screens - seems pretty pointless.

Initial ideas

We had a think about what they could be repurposed for and decided on using it for the buying of tickets for events held in the union as well as society nights. We then thought about how this would work - logging on with your university account and perhaps buying through PayPal, then thinking about how this makes life easier - you don't have to go through people you know texting or meeting up to buy paper tickets you can simply buy directly from the platform e.g. SeeTickets and your ticket will be printed there and then. The screens could also respond to your interests on Facebook and Spotify etc to suggest similar events and societies you may be interested in. 


From here we decided to think about technology that doesn't quite exist yet to push the boundaries and be more creative - we thought it was be interesting if you could experience 20 seconds of a night out or gig in order to determine whether it is for you - seeing after movies of nights out is always misleading as it makes the night look really good, and with a gig you could really enjoy the music but when it comes to the live event the crowd may be too aggressive. This idea could be carried out by using a VR headset as well as the temperature of the room being adjusted and smells let out. Taking it a step further we thought of other things that could be experienced in shop set up 'Sensory samples'. You could go on your own as an individual or a group and experience snippets of events/gigs/adventure days/sports and dates which we believe is something to go forward with. 

The likes of tinder and bumble are quick ways to find people you may want to date however there are endless stories of when people actually meet up their match not looking quite like their photos - this could be solved by allowing the user to see their potential matches through VR in a date setting, you can hear their voice and see them in 3d so there are no nasty surprises. 


We decided to make a short video to demonstrate the concept, you flick up and down depending on whether you want to match with someone. While you can see them their interests are floating around so that it is all visual, perhaps even their 'anthem' is playing in the background, you can hit a 'bio' button and hear their voice, the scene is where they would take you on a date and you can see some of their Instagram photos floating around. We filmed some of our peers for a few short clips showing the swiping motion, we also filmed one student for a longer time to show what would happen when selected - the information pops up around. We then put all of the clips together in Premier Pro and further edited in After Effects allowing 'blank' screens to be placed in between each person in order to remove the floor from the footage to create a more professional/ accurate representation. We then added the icons around Sophie and some information such as her height and age - the placement was based off the current placement in Tinder.


Josh and Neve then presented out idea to the class, explaining our initial ideas and concept and Jack believed these were communicated well with the end video created. A lot of people also had the view that it is a good idea and isn't actually that far off being the next step for apps like Tinder and Bumble. There was questions on how it could be even more immersive to which I suggested the person could be sat where they would take you on a date. Overall I really enjoyed the workshop as it got us thinking into the future and also gave me the opportunity to work with people I usually wouldn't. I'm happy with our final outcome given the time restraints we successfully portrayed our ideas from the initial brainstorming.

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