Sunday 18 March 2018

503 - SB2 - LOOKBOOK Development

After designing the initial layout I decided to print out a mockup to get a feel for the order and layout, to see if it works well as a publication and I was happy with the result, see below. From this point I involved Hannah, to hear her thoughts on the layout, we agreed it didn't need any work fundamentally but could do with a few added extras to make it more unique and suited to the style of the street wear.

We went through the book and added notes where extra pages could be added, with a small idea. This includes illustrations on acetate that would be over the left hand page. With this in mind when it comes to printing I will have to swap these two pages over, to ensure when flicking through the book the acetate will fall over the correct side. 

We believed this layout to be enough on its own without making it busier/more complicated.

We decided to go for adding an extra page every other double page spread and so this was the next one it fell on - the image below. Another illustration will be added above this on acetate.

Again this page is conveniently already too busy for any extras. 

For this one we thought a pattern around the image could work well, again on acetate, however after further discussion and ideas/ brainstorming we are going to use a coloured stock that matches her coffee cup, print a pattern on both sides and cut out the middle to reveal the image on either side. 

With this we decided to stray from illustrations and simply add some coloured stock to emphasise the colour pop in the ladies earrings. 

After all of these considerations me and Hannah separated to draw out some initial ideas for illustrations.

We have also chosen to use the 'tie bind' which mean the book won't be folded and therefore won't need arranging into spreads; this acts as an advantage as it means that we can experiment with different stocks and materials such as acetate without making the book too thick to close.

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