Wednesday 21 March 2018

503 - SB2 - LOOKBOOK Production

When it came to the production of the booklet we had to rearrange the order of the booklet to make sure that the double sided pages printed in the right order. We also had to add in an extra few pages to make the front and back covers so that the look book contents started on a double page spread. There was also a few issues when it came down to the stock we had chosen, we decided on digigreen silk however were informed that the suppliers were having a hard time getting hold of it so instead settled on Gloss 270gsm, which isn't ideal as we had planned for the other however it still worked out well and the images printed nicely onto this stock. There was no issues with printing the cover onto tracing paper, as well as the illustration pages on acetate and the one illustration page on some pink coloured stock we brought with us.

Below are some examples of the binds spoken about in research:

We are going with the third one, this means that all of the pages can be printed double sided however just a5 size, the paper will then all be stacked together making it easier for the inserts to be slotted in, all of the pages will then be sewn together using different colours to represent the individuality and vibrancy seen inside of the look book by the wonderful street style at LFW.

There was a few issues when it came to printing, as the file sizes for the photograph links in indesign were so large it took a long time to send to the printer and our print slot was late in the day, in the end we had to leave it to print over night and when we came to collect, there were a few pages missing. At this stage in the project we couldn't afford price or time wise to print the publication again so worked with what we had. Some of the illustrations matched other pages such as the coloured pattern nicely layers over the contact sheet style spread. The binding process went well and we used two different coloured threads to brighten the publication up. The tracing paper front and back covers also added a high quality finish.

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