Wednesday 14 March 2018

503 - SB1 - Papergang Development

For the submission to this competition there are a few different aspects that need to be designed for the template provided that is in Adobe Photoshop. The requirements are as follows: gift wrap, a greetings card, paper notes, Papergang box and a pin. I decided to vary the design slightly for each item as them all being the same doesn't give the customer much value for money. This also seems the norm for previous winners. 

gift wrap 
greetings card


papergang box


Peer review feedback:

I decided to get some feedback before actually submitting the full brief to make sure what I had designed looked well and all of the different aspects were coherent. 
  • the different patterns work well for the reasons you specified - the giftwrap being less busy as it will be folded and taped, the papergang box more interesting and in your face to stand out etc.
  • it is a coherent set of designs in terms of your colour palette and illustration line weights
  • the birthday card is one I would buy in the shop for a niece or young girl really into her ballet
I was very happy with this feedback and so went ahead and submitted. 

I also received a message from a friends design account on instagram when i submitted praising my work which is a good sign!

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