Thursday 15 March 2018

503 - SB1 - 27 Initial Ideas

I want to create a piece of work that focuses on something that was good in her life, however something that also undoubtedly contributed to her life choices or lack thereof. Her paternal Grandmother Cynthia.

  • Tarrot cards
  • Spirituality
  • Death
  • The future
  • Psychic 

Definition of Tarot Card
Tarot cards are used to foresee future events and answer specific questions, and are often used in fortune telling and astrology. A tarot deck is usually made up of 78 cards, each with a unique image and meaning.

The most common 78-card Tarot decks are divided into two main groups — Major Arcana and Minor Arcana — with the latter divided into four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles).

Major Arcana Tarot Cards

Tarot cards drawn from the Major Arcana group are said to symbolize and predict major events or major turning points in a person’s life, such as a marriage or career change.

Minor Arcana Tarot Cards

Tarot cards drawn from the Minor Arcana group are said to represent or predict experiences in daily life, such as an issue with a friend or lover, or a message that may be on its way to you.

Out of all the above cards I have chosen to play around with the death card, the reading is relevant to a lot ofAmy's life in terms of going into rehab, being in and out of contact with her friends and Blake.

I want to modernise the tarot card design and create something a lot more minimal than the current designs. Amy brought a style of music which wasn't that popular and mainstream, and made it something that most people admired, a lot of people are wary of psychics and tarot cards therefore I want to create something more accessible with this artwork. 

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