Thursday 15 March 2018

503 - SB1 - 27 Development

I Decided to use the xiii - which means 13 as it is the number of the death card, i also included two segments of an eclipse, this is to represent two things that are not full together, but which will eventually part ways and move on which is representative of the song lyrics. Amy felt it would never work with her lover but fell in love anyway, left to feel not her whole self, however the fact her tears will dry means she is looking forward and knowing it will end. This works well with the symbolism of the Death tarot card. The colour palette is based off her signature makeup look - bold black eyeliner and a red lip. I chose the typeface industry inc for the lyrics as i felt it nicely contrasted the other more minimal sans serif seen for the title, as well as being similar to text seen on tarot cards, in order to keep some authenticity. 

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