Sunday 18 March 2018

503 - SB2 - LOOKBOOK Initial Ideas (Production)

Hannah did some more research and experimentation for the production of our publication:

Japanese Bind
I chose to experiment with a Japanese bind due to how extravagant and decorative it looks compared to the other binds, which is appropriate for some of the fun and weird designs that are showcased at London Fashion Week. I  also folded a piece of paper around the spine of the look book which could act as a 'label' again drawing references to the clothes in the fashion shows. I think this design would look nice however one issue is that the book can't open to the edge of  the book due the stitching of the bind being 3cm in from the edge. Although this poses no major problem, it would make it feel like the book wasn't opening properly, which takes away from the 'clean' high fashion aesthetic.

One consideration with this bindis that the paper isn't folded and instead individual pages would be stacked on top of each other. This would effect the pagination of the design and could be a strength or weakness, depending on which stock is chosen in the end. For example, it might be a good choice if using a really thick stock or a material such as acetate as it's difficult to fold whilst making it shut flat.

Sewn Bind 
This bind is supposed to replicate the stitching used to stitch clothes, however I did the stitch too loose in the mock up. I kept the label again and feel like with this stitch it would strengthen the concept of it being a clothes label. I feel like this stitch could work very effectively, however I would like to try the stitch using a real sewing machine so that it's looks more realistic, plus I'd apply the stitch to the fold in the book and not where it is on the mock up.

If the stitch was applied to the fold in the book, similar to a classic saddle stitch, then this would be perfect for if we choose to create a book with the classic folded organisation. This is likely if we select a thin/medium stock.

Tied Bind
I made this bind up and it simply threads multiple pieces of thread through holes a long the edge of the bind to tie the book together. Similar to the Japanese bind, this is created with stacked pieces of paper and not a fold. My idea for this bind would be to have the content of the colour minimal and monochrome, and then use multicoloured pieces of binding or clothing thread to bind the book which would represent the contrast and expression of creativity in the fashion show. It would also show the diversity of some of the designers taking part in the show, from the typical high fashion brands to some of the more conceptual designs from the likes of Central Saint Martins.

As the previous bind mock up shows, we have an idea to include a clothes label around the edge of the book to reference the content of the book. To ensure that it is clear that it is a label, I have adopted some of the symbols used to communicate the washing instructions of clothes on the label and re-drawn them in illustrator.

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