Sunday 18 March 2018

503 - SB2 - LOOKBOOK Initial Ideas (Layout)

For the title page I wanted to create a title that was inspired by the LFW branding itself so went for a bold typeface - Industry Inc 'Base' For the main title with 'inline stroke' for the smaller 'street style' text. The typeface is bold, stands out and reveals what will be inside the look book. I also felt it was essential to include near the bottom a credit for Eva to make everyone aware it is the LFW Street Style through her eyes/camera.

This layout uses negative space to draw attention to the details the man is wearing such as the necklaces and headwear.

I felt these three photographs complimented eachother nicely, with the individual shots of their unique style layered and then one of the two embracing as friends over the spread.

For this spread I went for a contact sheet style layout to really emphasise the multiple layers and detail this lady was wearing in the two different outfits. 

I felt both of these close up photographs should be full bleed and take up a page, focusing on their colour chooses and accessories. They are in contrast with eachother to show two different styles that can be achieved whilst wearing a beret style hat.

This double page is vibrant with colours and patterns, similar to a layout idea earlier it shows the women individually and then also in conversation together. 

This layout really draws on negative space to attract to the middle photographs in which the woman's personality and style shines through.

This double page spread really draws attention to the well thought out outfit, the different accessories and even makeup choices all brought together to style this look. 

Again with these photographs I wanted to really zoom in and show the separate accessories used to create a look for this woman. 

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