Monday 12 March 2018

503 - SB1 - Tea Final Designs and Evaluation

Below are the finished designs for Pekoe Tea, the 3 flavours are married together in the fact they are perfect to make iced tea, as well as their vibrancy in packaging and fruitiness in flavour. 

When it came to looking in further detail at the registration and entering process I discovered there is a £20 fee which I can't afford right now so won't actually be entering the competition however I have really enjoyed it and it has given me the opportunity to get a real taste of packaging design. 


Overall I think that this project was very successful and it has further encouraged my interest in packaging design as a career path, I believe I am slowly starting to create a style for myself in terms of my work flow and style of design, mostly being illustrative including patterns and bold colours, however I do also like minimal design and so therefore would like to incorporate this style into a brief in the future. For this brief I used hand drawn techniques for initial ideas as well as the graphics tablet, before taking it all into illustrator and designing the layout in this programme. I tried to 'make' a pattern using this tool on illustrator to use for the background however I couldn't get the arrangement right so therefore decided to lay the different elements out manually and save as individual png patterns. One of the most successful parts of this project was how well the brand logo and Dosis typeface work together, especially in the different colour ways it perfectly represents the style of the brand, high quality and luxurious whilst being modern and up to date for the younger buyer with tea knowledge and money as well as the older market. One thing I would consider changing if I went back to the design would be to emphasise the fact it is ideal for ice tea more as that is the theme that brings the range together, however saying this the set does have great marriageability in terms of style and colour schemes.

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