Monday 12 March 2018

503 - SB1 - Tea Packaging Dimensions

Before I can design the packaging I need to know how much space I will have to work with, for the front sides and back. The tin I would like to use would be square rather than circular as I think aesthetically as well as placement on the shelves it works better, it also gives me a better surface to design for. I have decided on 10cm width sides with 12cm in height, therefore in terms of the paper packaging that will go around the tin the ideal size would be 40cm x 11cm to allow a small portion of the tin to be visible. The top of the tin square will therefore be 10x10cm but i'm going to reduce this to 9x9cm again to reveal some of the tin.

I have also decided that the tins will be something you keep in the house, simply buying a new foil packet to go inside this tin, saving on the cost of repurchasing a tin as well as being more environmentally friendly.

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