Wednesday 14 March 2018

503 - SB1 - Papergang Entry and Evaluation

To enter the competition all you have to do is upload your finished work to Instagram, making sure to tag @ohhdeercompetitions & #designapapergangbox.

This is the finished template that includes all of the designs I created for each product included in the Papergang boxes.

I really enjoyed this brief as it was experimental and involved illustration and pattern design which I am very interested in. It has also allowed me to find other designers on Instagram that I can admire and learn from by searching through the hashtag provided. I believe my design has a strong concept as it is relevant to the month of October, the month it would be released if I won the competition. I learnt about the strong use of a colour palette during this process as well as using a small number of illustrations in different ways to create interesting patterns and visuals. Something I would work more on if given the chance would be the pin background as it is just plain at the moment, an interesting background possibly with text could have worked well. 

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