Tuesday 20 March 2018

503 - SB2 - LOOKBOOK Final Outcome & Evaluation

Overall I really enjoyed this brief, given the freedom to create our own based on our interests allowed us to really experiment within our individual strengths. We struggled at first to divide the roles up, wondering whether they were substantial and also wanting to work on certain areas, in the end it worked out well, I was more interested in the layout design and Hannah was confident with production methods, we both contributed to aspects such as illustrations and stock choice. Something that I would change if given the chance would be the time management of this project, it was difficult to juggle it whilst we both had a few other briefs going on, in the future I would definitely assign time every week to this kind of work rather than just doing it when we could both fit in as it became a bit of a rush to finish at the end. I am happy with my contributions to this brief, the layout works well in theory and on screen, representing the street style and high fashion seen as London Fashion Week, however when it came to production there was a few issues to do with the file and a few pages didn't print, making the order and spreads different to how they were planned, however we made the best out of a bad situation and reordered adding the inserts in other suitable places.

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