Saturday 24 March 2018

505 - SB1 - Crit 1

In the crit i presented the research i had so far and spoke about why i chose the genre and how interesting i believed it to be. There was no one in my critique group who knew about the disco demolition day so this made me think about what percent of people who listen to the genre actually know what happened. Through researching i have found possible reasons for the demise of disco but there is no clear reason as disco did continue after that day in 1979.

A lot of the genres in my critique group were to do with politics at the time and therefore a lot more serious, with the aim of making people aware of what is going on, or with influence from different countries. I believe the purpose of disco is genuinely just for people to enjoy and dance to as it started in urban nightclubs, with popularity and good times became mainstream.

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