Thursday 8 March 2018

503 - SB1 - Tea Initial Ideas

My initial thoughts on the packaging is to have a paper cover on the tin describing the contents and illustrating so that it stands out clearly what is inside, and then depending on whether i go down the recycling route or not the tins underneath could be embossed with 'sugar, tea and coffee' that could be used in the household in the future. However the likelihood is that most people already have this covered and also if they continue to buy the loose leaf tea range they will end up with a lot, therefore I am more likely to go down the route of recycling the tins in the shop, or perhaps just embossing them with a pattern and they could be used for other things around the house.

I have decided to try three different styles of design for the three different flavours to see which option I like the best to go forward with and develop in the other flavours. The initial ideas include some patterns, illustrations, typefaces, colour palettes and layout.

Peach Tea

This pattern includes all of the main ingredients for this flavour: peach, apple, papaya, white hibiscus, blackberry leaves, chicory and marigold.

Green Rose Tea

Focusing on the rose petal aspect of the flavouring this design features the brand name and flavour, as well as a description, I think this design is successful however it may be a bit too long width dimension wise for the front of a tea tin. 

Strawberries and Cream Tea

So far this packaging has been the most successful, using the dimensions set by myself it has allowed me to get an accurate representation of space and where the information that needs to be included can go. I also included the design that would go on top of the tin, it is straight to the point including only the logo and flavour so easily spotted if looking from above. I think that the use of the serif for logo incorporated with Dosis sans serif portrays quality and craft however the more modern typeface shows it is up to date with processes and flavours. I think that this style would work well with all 3 of the flavours and the fact they are perfect for iced tea is clearly stated on the back, it stands out. I tried to include an illustration of cream to this however decided against as they don't accurately represent cream however I think that this still works as cream is a common thing to go with cream and often people link the two together anyway. Going down this design route I will only include the main ingredients for the other two flavours: peach and rose petals.

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